Caving in Budapest
By Josh | 30 Days Ago
We were 40 meters under ground and told to switch off our head lamps and keep quiet. At that moment all was calm and pitch black. I've never known such darkness or peacefulness at the same time, I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face it was so dark there. Yes as you can imagine now, we went caving. Our guide, Szilard, who was Hungarian spoke perfect English as he handed out our elegant yet appropriate coveralls, safety helmet and head torches for our 3 hour caving trip.
Our first obstacle we encountered as we entered the cave was descending a 10 meter ladder into the unknown. Once at the bottom of the ladder we immediately starting crawling on our hands and knees though a maze of labyrinths, and large openings. After a bit of a warm up, Szilard asked up if we wanted to try something a bit more challenging and we all agreed. Then the real fun started.
We seen some openings that looked like only a child could fit though, and I was a bit worried I wasn't going to fit. However, its amazing how small a hole the human body can fit though when showed the proper technique. Every cave was different from the previous which encountered a new way of getting though. Some caves we had to crawl head first with our head turned sideways because that was the only way though, and there was one cave where you had to “squirm” and fight your way though it was so tight, but we all managed. It was an amazing experience, at our deepest point we were over 35 meters below the surface. Thats incredible, we crawled and manoeuvred our way that deep for about 1.5 hrs and then had to climb out again in such a way. The way up and out was just a tricky because we were going against gravity, but what an journey.
The caving system is very safe as it has been carved out over millions of years under the city of Budapest in Hungary. There are about 30 kilometres worth of caves that have been explored in that region over the years and we only did a fraction of it on our tour. The guides are very knowledgeable and very professional and its one of the safest adventures activities I have ever done, granted the fact that you are crawling 30 meters underground and the only light source you have is your tiny head lamp.
Anytime you are in Budapest, Caving under Hungary is a most due on your list. Its for anyone and everyone who has an adventure side. Be prepared to get dirty, crawl on your hands and knees and wiggle though cracks you never thought you could do.
Check out, Caving Under Budapest for a thrill of a life time.
Check out the pictures of our adventure to get a real idea of what we went though.
Until next time, Keep Booking those Adventures.